Gizlilik Bildirimi – KVKK

Website Privacy Agreement
While you visit this website and benefit from the information / services offered through this website, the information we obtain regarding you and the information / services you request will be used and protected according to the terms and conditions set forth in this “Privacy Policy”. By visiting this website and requesting to benefit from the services we offer through this website, you accept the terms and conditions set forth in this “Privacy Policy”.
I. Purpose of the personal data protection and processing policy
To date, due to the sensitivity of the information and services we provide as İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY, the data received from our customers or prospective customers has been kept confidential and not shared with third parties. The protection of personal data is the fundamental policy of our company. Before any legal regulation, our company and affiliates have attached importance to the confidentiality of personal data and adopted this as a working principle, and employees also have work instructions in line with this principle. We, as İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY, undertake to comply with all responsibilities brought by the Personal Data Protection Law. İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY principles regarding the protection of personal data also cover our subsidiaries.
II. Scope and amendment of the personal data protection and processing policy
This policy prepared by İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY has been prepared in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”). Data obtained from you with your consent or in accordance with other laws listed in the Law will be used to improve the quality of the services we offer, to improve the services offered to you and our quality policy. Again, some of the data we have is depersonalized and anonymized. These data are used for statistical purposes and are not subject to the application of the Law and our Policy. İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy” aims to protect the automatically obtained data of our customers, potential customers, employees and customers and employees of companies working with us in solution partnerships or other persons and includes the regulations related to these.
İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY has the right to change our policy and Regulation – provided that it complies with the Law and personal data is better protected.
III. Basic rules regarding the processing of personal data
a) Being in compliance with the law and rules of honesty: “İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY” questions the source of the data it collects or receives from other companies and attaches importance to obtaining these in accordance with the law and within the framework of rules of honesty. In this context, “İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY” makes the necessary warnings and notifications to third parties who sell the services provided by “İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY” in order to protect the data.
b) Being accurate and up-to-date when necessary: ​​“İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY” attaches importance to ensuring that all data it contains is accurate, does not contain false information and, finally, to updating personal data when it is communicated to it in case of any change.
c) Processing for specific, clear and legitimate purposes: “İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY” only processes the data it provides and obtains the consent of the individuals during the service. It does not process, use or allow the use of data for purposes other than business purposes.

d) Being connected, limited and proportionate to the purpose for which it is processed: “İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY” only uses the data limited to the purpose for which it is processed and to the extent required by the service.

e) Being stored for the period stipulated in the relevant legislation or required for the purpose for which it is processed: “İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY” stores the data originating from contracts for the duration of the dispute periods of the Law and the requirements of commercial and tax law. On the other hand, it deletes or anonymizes the data when these purposes are eliminated.
Maximum Savings Principle/Parsimony Principle
According to this principle called maximum savings principle or parsimony principle, data reaching “İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY” is processed into the system only to the extent necessary. Therefore, which data we will collect is determined according to the purpose. Non-essential data is not collected. Other data transferred to İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY is processed in the same way by It is transferred to IS TİCARET SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ information systems.
Deletion of personal data
When the periods required by law to be stored expire, judicial processes are completed or other requirements are eliminated, our company automatically deletes, destroys or anonymizes these data or upon the request of the relevant person.
Accuracy and data currency
The data within “İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ” is processed as declared by the relevant persons, as a rule. “İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY” is not obliged to investigate the accuracy of the data declared by customers or persons who contact “İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY”, and this is not done legally and due to our working principles. The declared data is considered correct. The principle of accuracy and up-to-dateness of personal data has also been adopted by “İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY”. Our company updates the personal data it has processed from the official documents it receives or upon the request of the relevant person. It takes the necessary measures for this. Privacy and data security
Personal data is confidential and “İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY” also complies with this confidentiality. Only authorized persons within the company can access personal data. All necessary technical and administrative measures are taken to protect the personal data collected by “İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY” and to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing it and to prevent our customers and potential customers from being victimized. Within this framework, it is ensured that the software complies with the standards, third parties are carefully selected and the data protection policy is complied with within the company.
IV. Data processing purposes
“İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY” will collect and process personal data in accordance with the purposes specified in the disclosure text. Data is collected and processed for the establishment of the contract and to provide better service to customers.
V. Customer, potential customer and business and solution partner data
As “İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY”, we process your personal data as the data controller within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and other relevant legislation. The personal data categories and explanations to be processed within this scope are as follows: Name Surname, Address, Telephone Number, E-Mail Address.
– Customer comment, feedback and complaint data: Comments, opinions and complaints.
– Other: Participation in competitions, draws or marketing programs, website membership information.
Collection and processing of data for contractual relationship
If a contractual relationship is established with our customers and potential customers, the personal data collected may be used without the customer’s consent. However, this use is made in line with the purpose of the contract. Data is used to the extent of better execution of the contract and the requirements of the service and updated by contacting the customers when necessary. On the other hand, the data that our prospective customers (potential customers) leave to us by themselves is processed in order to provide them with easier and higher quality service later on. If this data has not turned into a contractual relationship upon their request, it is deleted.
Business and Solution Partner Data
“İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY” adopts the principle of acting in accordance with the law when sharing data with both business and solution partners. Data is shared with business and solution partners with a commitment to data confidentiality and only as much data as the service requires, and these parties are forced to take measures to ensure data security.
Processing data for advertising purposes
In accordance with the Law on the Regulation of E-Commerce and the Regulation on Commercial Communication and Commercial Electronic Messages, electronic messages for advertising purposes can only be sent to persons who have received prior approval. The clear approval of the person to whom the advertisement will be sent is a must. Again, the details of the “approval” determined in accordance with the same legislation are complied with by “İNSA KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL FOREIGN TRADE INDUSTRY AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY”. The approval to be obtained must cover all commercial electronic messages sent to the electronic communication addresses of the recipients in order to promote and market your company’s goods and services, to promote your business or to increase its recognition with content such as congratulations and wishes. This approval can be obtained in writing, in a physical environment or through any electronic communication tool. What is important is the recipient’s positive declaration of intent that they accept the sending of commercial electronic messages, their name and surname, and their electronic communication address. Data transactions made due to the legal obligation of the company or due to being clearly stipulated in the law